31 December 2009
The sources of micro-organisms (yeasts and fungi) found in honey are nectar and pollen, honey processing areas, equipments that have not been properly cleaned or wrappings. There are few types of yeast in honey and the most common are Saccharomyces melis, which grows in media with water content over 20-25% and Saccharomyces rosei, which can ferment in media with 60% carbohydrates. Yeasts can produce microbiological faults in honey with more than 102 cells /g honey, stored at temperatures over 15 0C (Șindilar, E., 2000). Fungi can come from dust contamination, from the water with which installations or containers are washed and to a smaller degree, they can come from the honeybees. If they are found in honey in a vegetative state, they can metabolise carbohydrates, amino-acids and even pollen, causing various organoleptic changes (taste and smell of mildew). The present paper is a comparative microbiological and physical-chemical analysis of various types of honey (polyfloral, tilia, acacia, sunflower, and honeydew) collected from beekeepers The results have enabled us to make correlations between moisture, acidity, pH and the microbiological characteristics of the tested honey samples and processors.