31 December 2012
In the last five years, the new waves in Information and Communication Technologies together with the increase of mobile technologies have developed new possibilities for the collaboration between the governments and the citizens. Year by year, the governments are using huge quantities of ICT especially based on Internet and on mobile devices, to improve the quality of services between government agencies and companies, citizens, or government agencies from other countries. In a period of financial crisis we have less and less time at disposition. The new possibilities offered by Information and Communication Technologies give government chances to rethink strategies and ways of working providing services for citizens and businesses. In this world in a continuous changing, the state must recognize the importance of fulfilling the new needs and expectations of the citizens in opposition with the reality of reduced budgets. While the literature is not as robust as we would like to see, many articles are talking only about positive impact of eGovernment and less on difficulties or misconceptions, especially in financial crisis period.