Culture, ethics, dilemmas and responsibilities in business

31 December 2006

Author Andreea Săseanu
Page: 20

Due to the increase in competition, the companies on the Romanian market have become aware that keeping existing clients is more important than finding new ones. Although many times it is said that “ethics has nothing to do with business”, studies made by specialists in ethics and morale on the trade activity have highlighted that business is not only a problem regarding money, economic exchange and profit but that it involves human interactions which are interdependent with moral and ethical values in the political and social life, with society in general. We can say that, within the process of market globalization, ethics and morale in business are very important, due to the fact that, on international markets, we can find multiple cultures, very different rules and values which govern the human behaviour. Therefore, it is normal that rules of ethics and morale in business should provide a long- lasting development in the economic processes and activities performed by different companies on the market of other countries, taking into consideration the economic, environmental and social phenomena of the respective state.

business ethics, business responsabilities, market globalization