Strengthening market position of banks by redefining services settlement Banking

31 December 2006

Author Adela Socol
Page: 42

In Romania before '90 it could not be identified a system for banking payments in the true sense of the word, because of the character of the centralized economy and of the state property. After 1990, were necessary some structural changes at the level of banking payments. In the year 2005 it entered gradually the elements of the SEP - Electronic Payments System for the Romanian banking system. The Electronic Payment System SEP has three elements, meaning: Real Time Gross Settlement System RTGS, known in Romania as ReGIS (Romanian electronic Gross Interbank Settlement); Automated Clearing House ACH, known in Romania as SENT; Government Securities Registration and Settlement GSRS, known in Romania as SaFIR. As well, in these conditions and with such standards, regarding the activity continuity and beside the needed infrastructure for the upper systems, it was implemented a back-up system of recovering in the disaster cases. Regarding the advantages that the new electronic payments system has, near the remembered ones, among which we are pointing a better management of the risks and liquidity situation, increasing the efficiency and operatives character of the payment operations, as well as the level of an increased security of the inter-banking operations, we are adding also a new policy of commissions of the Romanian National Bank, favorable for the participants of the three systems.

market position, banking payments, Electronic Payment System