31 December 2006
The Internet has revolutionized the bussiness on and off line. The fact that it can be anywhere on the globe, his fast and real character, the share of a great amount of comon knowledges, and it's capacity of making posible the dialogue based on the information with the users-so his potential, made a great deal in the hall world of the bussiness,even if they are big or small, but also to establish the prices, that is why the merchents have to built their firms on the base of some oriental strategies ovards his client because: „the world is in the process of changing, passing by to a stege in which the merchants find their customers in other part, so clients are the ones who find their merchants”. With all this the Internet offers many advantages and they don't take in consideration the borders, if exist versions in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish who belong to the store, the clients can be from all over the world, also the virtual stores never get closed, they are opened 24 hours to24. The direct marketing on the Internet can be used to contribute to the construction of some trade marks of consumers and companies, in the same way you have the television but also the radio. The same like mail advertising, it can supply a big amount of information refering to his real clients and to the potential ones. It can be used to make posible the tranzactions, the same like a visit in a store, as the answer through the mail, at a catalogue or to contact a broker.